Pisau Lipat saku kelas micro knives sekarang diijinkan dibawa penumpang

Pernah kalian jengkel tiba tiba diairport saat melewati check in xrays tau tau pisau lipat kalian disita petugas dengan alasan itu pisau (gunting juga bisa). Padahal jenis pisau lipat ada banyak, gak pandang bulu kelas apapun jenis pisaunya pasti disita. Baik kelas micro, kelas medium, apalagi yang large folding knives. Nah sekarang ada aturan baru dari Transportation Security Administration (TSA)  yg mengijinkan penumpang pesawat membawa pisau lipat kelas micro kedalam kabin. Berita dirilis  6 Maret kemarin.

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Opini personal:
gua sering tidak nyaman jika traveling tidak ada dua alat yg melekat erat dibadan selain dogtag dengan peluit rescue atau hape, yakni: emergency kits box plus didalamnya ada pisau lipat (multi tools knives). Susah menjelaskan ini kepada orang awam jika dia itu tidak pernah merasakan  pesawatnya dalam kondisi darurat, jauh diatas langit sana,... dan selama sekian puluh menit saya ikut terbang dengan kepala penuh doa agar pesawat yg kita naiki saat itu tidak jatuh mendadak dibumi. Saya pernah mengalami kejadian itu baik dengan pesawat komersial berbadan lebar atau dengan helikopter, rasanya luar biasa mengikuti proses persiapan kondisi darurat didalam kabin, melihat pramugari dan penumpang terisak histeris, bahan bakar dibuang disisi luar sayap, makanya saya tidak suka jika masuk kedalam kabin pesawat harus melepaskan diri dari pisau didalam kotak emergency kit itu. Sungguh tidak nyaman pokoknya "telanjang tangan" tanpa membawa tools apapun melekat dibadan.

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TSA to allow small knives, bats, clubs on planes

From page A6 | March 06, 2013 | Leave Comment
WASHINGTON — Airline passengers will be able to carry small knives, souvenir baseball bats, golf clubs and other sports equipment onto planes beginning next month under a policy change announced Tuesday by the head of the Transportation Security Administration.
The new policy conforms U.S. security standards to international standards, and allows TSA to concentrate its energies on more serious safety threats, the agency said in a statement.
The announcement, made by TSA Administrator John Pistole at an airline industry gathering in New York, drew an immediate outcry from unions representing flight attendants and other airline workers, who said the items are still dangerous in the hands of the wrong passengers.
Transport Workers Union Local 556, which represents over 10,000 flight attendants at Southwest Airlines, called the new policy “dangerous” and “short sighted,” saying it was designed to make “the lives of TSA staff easier, but not make flights safer.”
“While we agree that a passenger wielding a small knife or swinging a golf club or hockey stick poses less of a threat to the pilot locked in the cockpit, these are real threats to passengers and flight attendants in the passenger cabin,” the union said in a statement.
The policy change was based on a recommendation from an internal TSA working group, which decided the items represented no real danger, said David Castelveter, a spokesman for the agency.
The presence on flights of gun-carrying pilots traveling as passengers, federal air marshals and airline crew members trained in self-defense provide additional layers of security to protect against misuse of the items, he said. However, not all flights have federal air marshals or armed pilots onboard.
The new policy permits folding knives with blades that are 2.36 inches or less in length and are less than 1/2-inch wide. The policy is aimed at allowing passengers to carry pen knives, corkscrews with small blades and other knives.
Passengers also will be allowed to bring onboard as part of their carry-on luggage novelty-sized baseball bats less than 24 inches long, toy plastic bats, billiard cues, ski poles, hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks and two golf clubs, the agency said.
Security standards adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization, a U.N. agency, already call for passengers to be able to carry those items. Those standards are non-binding, but many countries follow them.
Box cutters, razor blades and knives that don’t fold or that have molded grip handles will still be prohibited, the TSA said.
There has been a gradual easing of some of the security measures applied to airline passengers after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. In 2005, the TSA changed its policies to allow passengers to carry on airplanes small scissors, knitting needles, tweezers, nail clippers and up to four books of matches. The move came as the agency turned its focus toward keeping explosives off planes, because intelligence officials believed that was the greatest threat to commercial aviation.
And in September 2011, the TSA no longer required children 12 years old and under to remove their shoes at airport checkpoints. The agency recently issued new guidelines for travelers 75 years old and older so they can avoid removing shoes and light jackets when they go through airport security checkpoints.

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